A worship song by Hillsong. In 1 Corinthians 2:6-10,
Paul tells the church in Corinth that he preaches a message that while seems like foolishness to this perishing world, is indeed the wisdom of God as revealed through His Holy Spirit. And this wisdom is Christ crucified, which is revealed to those who love Him.
It is important to know that only the Holy Spirit can enable us to understand God's wisdom through what His Son has accomplished on the cross for our sins. And we need His Spirit to continually reveal and remind us of this truth, on which our faith rests upon. For without the death of Jesus on the cross for our sins, there can be no remission of sin. Holy Spirit rain down - teach us that God's wisdom is above all, in that only salvation can come from Jesus Christ alone.
Tabbed by: Graham Choo
Email: da_tweens@yahoo.co.uk
Verse: E D Asus A F#m G#m A B e|-0---0---0---0---0---0---0---0---------------------------------| B|-0---3---3---2---0---0---0---0---------------------------------| G|-1---2---2---2---2---4---2---4---------------------------------| D|-2---0---2---2---4---6---2---4---------------------------------| A|-2-------0---0---4---6---0---2---------------------------------| E|-0-------------------------------------------------------------|
E D Asus A B Cdim7 C#m Cdim7 Bsus B Esus E e|-0---0---0---0---0---2----4---2----0----2---0---0--------------| B|-0---3---3---2---0---1----5---1----0----4---0---0--------------| G|-1---2---2---2---4---2----6---2----4----4---2---1--------------| D|-2---0---2---2---4---1----6---1----4----4---2---2--------------| A|-2-------0---0---2---0----4---0----2----2---2---2--------------| E|-0------------------------------------------0---0--------------|
Chorus: A G# C#m B Bb A G# C#m B e|-0---4---4---0---0---0---6---4---0-----------------------------| B|-0---4---5---0---0---0---6---5---0-----------------------------| G|-2---5---6---4---3---2---5---6---4-----------------------------| D|-2---6---6---4---3---2---6---6---4-----------------------------| A|-0---6---4---2---1---0---6---4---2-----------------------------| E|-----4-------------------4-------------------------------------|
| / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note
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